Multi-person motion prediction

Introduction to Multi-person motion prediction by using Deep Learning
type: insightlevel: medium

Multi-person motion prediction involves predicting the future movements of multiple people in a given environment. This problem is challenging because it requires understanding complex interactions between individuals and their surroundings. With the help of deep learning, however, researchers have made significant progress in recent years. In this blog, we will explore the topic of multi-person motion prediction and how it is revolutionizing fields like robotics and autonomous vehicles.

Figure 1

Understanding Multi-Person Motion Prediction

Multi-person motion prediction involves predicting the future movements of multiple individuals in a given environment. This can include predicting the trajectories of pedestrians in a crowded street, the movements of athletes in a game, or the motions of dancers in a performance.

To solve this problem, researchers use deep learning algorithms that analyze large datasets of human motion. These algorithms are trained to identify patterns in the data and use these patterns to make predictions about future motion.

Figure 1

Figure 1: A pipeline of Multi-person Motion Prediction

Multi-person motion prediction involves predicting the future movements of multiple individuals in a given environment. The below pipeline is for achieving this task in general:

  1. Data Collection: Collect video data of multiple people moving in a given environment. This can be done using multiple cameras or a single camera that can capture the entire scene.
  2. Data Pre-processing: Pre-process the data by extracting relevant features such as the position, velocity, and acceleration of each person in the video. This can be done using computer vision techniques such as object detection, tracking, and segmentation.
  3. Data Augmentation: Augment the data to increase the diversity of the training dataset. This can be done by randomly flipping, rotating, and cropping the video frames.
  4. Model Selection: Select an appropriate model architecture for the task of multi-person motion prediction. Some common models include Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs).
  5. Model Training: Train the selected model using the pre-processed and augmented data. The goal is to optimize the model's parameters to minimize the prediction error on the validation dataset.
  6. Model Evaluation: Evaluate the performance of the trained model on a separate test dataset. Common evaluation metrics include Mean Average Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and Intersection over Union (IoU).
  7. Model Deployment: Deploy the trained model in a production environment where it can be used to predict the future movements of multiple individuals in real-time.
  8. Model Optimization: Continuously optimize the model's parameters and architecture to improve its prediction accuracy and efficiency.
  9. Post-processing: Apply post-processing techniques such as smoothing and filtering to the predicted trajectories to remove any noise or jitter.
  10. Visualization: Visualize the predicted trajectories using techniques such as heatmaps, 3D plots, and animations to gain insights into the movements of the multiple individuals in the given environment.


Multi-person motion prediction is a challenging problem for several reasons.

First, it requires analyzing and understanding complex interactions between individuals and their environment. This involves understanding the physical constraints of the environment, as well as the social dynamics between individuals.

Second, multi-person motion prediction requires analyzing large amounts of data. This data can include video footage, motion capture data, and other sources. Analyzing this data requires powerful computational resources, as well as sophisticated algorithms that can handle the complexity of the data.

Finally, multi-person motion prediction is challenging because it requires making predictions in real-time. In applications like robotics and autonomous vehicles, it is crucial to make accurate predictions quickly, in order to avoid collisions and ensure safety. Figure.2 shows possible challenges from major to minor that can be mentioned when dealing with multi-person motion prediction.

Figure 2

Figure 2: Possible challenge for multi-person motion predictionn


Multi-person motion prediction has many practical applications in fields like robotics and autonomous vehicles. For example, self-driving cars need to be able to predict the movements of pedestrians and other vehicles in order to avoid collisions and ensure safety.

Similarly, robots in manufacturing and logistics environments need to be able to predict the movements of humans in order to avoid accidents and work efficiently. By using deep learning algorithms for multi-person motion prediction, these robots can work more effectively and safely.

Multi-person motion prediction also has applications in fields like sports analytics and entertainment. For example, sports teams can use motion prediction algorithms to analyze the movements of their opponents and develop strategies for winning games. Similarly, entertainment companies can use motion prediction to create realistic and engaging virtual characters in movies and video games.

Figure 4 Figure 5


As deep learning algorithms continue to improve, we can expect to see many more applications of multi-person motion prediction in the future. For example, we may see robots that are capable of navigating crowded city streets safely and efficiently, or virtual reality experiences that are able to realistically simulate the movements of multiple people in real-time.

To achieve these advances, however, researchers will need to continue developing sophisticated deep learning algorithms that can handle the complexity of multi-person motion prediction. They will also need to find ways to collect and analyze larger datasets of human motion, in order to train these algorithms effectively.


Multi-person motion prediction is a challenging and exciting problem that has many practical applications in fields like robotics, autonomous vehicles, sports analytics, and entertainment. By using deep learning algorithms to analyze large datasets of human motion, researchers are making significant progress in this field. As technology continues to improve, we can expect to see many more innovative applications of multi-person motion prediction in the future.
