CathAction - A Benchmark for Endovascular Intervention Understanding (Part 1)
An introduction about CathAction.
type: researchAICathActionBenchmark for Endovascular Intervention UnderstandingLightweight Language-driven Grasp Detection using Conditional Consistency Model (Part 3)
Effectiveness of Conditional Consistency Model for Lightweight Language-driven Grasp Detection.
type: researchAILightweight Language-driven Grasp DetectionLightweight Language-driven Grasp Detection using Conditional Consistency Model (Part 2)
Methodology of Conditional Consistency Model for Lightweight Language-driven Grasp Detection.
type: researchAILightweight Language-driven Grasp DetectionGuide3D A Bi-planar X-ray Dataset for 3D Shape Reconstruction (Part 4)
Effectiveness Analysis and Ablation Studies
type: researchAIMedicalLightweight Language-driven Grasp Detection using Conditional Consistency Model (Part 1)
An introduction about Lightweight Language-driven Grasp Detection
type: researchAILightweight Language-driven Grasp DetectionGuide3D A Bi-planar X-ray Dataset for 3D Shape Reconstruction (Part 1)
Introduction about 3D Shape Reconstruction
type: researchAIMedicalScalable Group Choreography via Variational Phase Manifold Learning (Part 4)
Effectiveness of Scalable Group Choreography
type: researchAIComputer GraphicLarge-Scale Coarse-to-Fine Object Retrieval Ontology and Deep Local Multitask Learning (Part 8)
Searching System and the effectiveness of the whole proposal.
type: researchAIMultitask LearningOntologyObject Retrieval