2 posts tagged with "face-recognition"

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Access Control System series - Part 2: How it works

The system helps you to control all access through a mobile application. This article will give you an overview of the usage and the features that our access control system provides.

Our mobile application allows visitors to request appointments remotely. First, you need to sign up for an account. Through a few steps of providing personal information, confirming ID, you can make an appointment.

Access Control System series - Part 1: An introduction to the future

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of loss, but at the same time, it also opened a new way of managing people and organizing collective activities. It has changed our way of thinking. In 2020, we observed an explosion of online management applications, robots, and other automation software to minimize direct contact between people. Inspired by that, we have developed an Access Control System application. We want to introduce a new, safe, simple way to manage your visitors and employees through this application. We believe that the system opens a new way to reduce touchpoints in COVID era and the future of driving visitors.